Sunday, March 17, 2013

Nutella bread (Nutellakuchen)

I always wanted to bake with Nutella, but the recipes I found on the internet weren't to my pleasing (either too sweet or too fatty), so I made up my own recipe. Most recipes I found on the web add a lot of butter and sugar to Nutella, but what is Nutella?! It is essentially sugar and fat mixed together. I made the cake in an 8 inch springform because I was worried it might collapse in a bread form because of the surface to height ratio, but I might try it in a bread form next time. That is, if there's a next time, which depends on whether people like the cake enough to give it a second try.

200 g Nutella
30 g butter
50 g sugar (see comments, I didn't add it this time)
2 eggs
1 pinch of salt
2 teaspoons baking powder
200 g flour
75 ml of milk (or a little more, see instructions)
Confectioner's sugar

Springform (24 cm or 8 inches diameter) or bread baking form
Parchment paper

1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius (350 F)
2. Beat Nutella, butter, eggs, and salt until creamy. Mix flour, baking powder and sift. Add flour mix alternating with milk in two batches to Nutella batter. If necessary, add more milk until the dough heavily falls off a spoon.
3. Grease springform and line bottom with parchment paper. Add batter to springform and distribute evenly.
4. Bake cake for about 45 min or until a wooden stick comes out clean.
5. Let cake cool, the sift and sprinkle confectioner's sugar over cake top.

1. The bread mix is not very sweet. Some might like it this way, others might want it a little sweeter, so my suggestion is to add 50 g sugar.
2. The Nutella taste is not as strong as I had hoped for. To get a nuttier taste add some hazelnut pieces to the batter.
3. The recipe might be even better using three instead of two eggs. In that case the amount of milk might have to be reduced or the batter becomes too liquid.

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