Sunday, April 7, 2013

Strawberry Tart

This tart is as traditional as it can get when it comes to German baking. It's one of the most basic tarts and many people's favorite.
It is traditionally made is this flan tart pan (Obstbodenform). I didn't have one, but I found that sells them, actually "made in Germany" ( They come in two sizes 28 cm (11 inches) or 30 cm (12 inches), and I bought the smaller one since it just fits into my toaster convection oven.
This recipe uses a few ingredients that are very commonly found in German stores, but they are harder to come by in the US. I usually bring a stack of these from Germany, but sells them, too, however ridiculously overpriced. Although I used the German products for this tart, I will describe alternatives in my comments that you can use without relying on the original overpriced products.
For this tart one doesn't necessarily have to use strawberries; most fruits (all berries, jarred cherries, and even canned fruit such as peaches, pears, apricots or even a fruit cocktail) can be used.

A flan tart pan or Obstbodenform (Ø 28 cm)
some butter and flour

For the crust:
125 g or one stick butter
80 g sugar
2 eggs
1 package vanilla sugar or some vanilla aroma
1 pinch of salt
175 g wheat flour
1 leveled teaspoon baking powder
1-2 tablespoons milk

1 package vanilla pudding
250 ml milk
some sugar
1 kg or 2 pounds fresh strawberries

250 ml water
1 package Dr. Oetker Tortenguss (cake glaze) fix (Erdbeer/strawberry)

Grease flan pan, add some flour, shake it around in the pan, then pour out the flour that doesn't stick. Preheat oven to 180°C (350F).

1. Add butter to a mixing bowl. Using a hand mixer mix butter until soft.
2. Add sugar, vanilla sugar/aroma, and salt until evenly mixed. Add one egg at a time and mix for about 1/2 min.
3. Mix flour and baking powder. Add in two portions to crust batter alternating with the milk.
4. Evenly distribute batter in baking pan, flatten surface with a spatula.
5. Bake crust for about 20 min at 180°C (350F).
6. Remove pan from oven, put pan upside down on a plate lined with parchment paper. Let cool. Transfer crust onto a pie plate.

1. Wash and clean strawberries, remove stems, then cut in half.
2. Prepare pudding according to the instructions, but using a little less milk, so that it becomes less liquid.
3. Let pudding cool down. Covering the freshly prepared pudding with a piece of clear plastic wrap directly touching the surface will prevent the formation of a milk skin.
4. Add pudding to the middle of the baked crust (when the baked crust is flipped after the baking it'll reveal a middle that is surrounded by a raised edge).
5. Stagger strawberries on top of pudding.

Prepare glaze with water according to the instructions or see comments below. Using a tablespoon and starting in the middle, cover strawberries with glaze. Let cool down and serve.

1. If you don't have this type of flan pan you can use a springform pan. When adding the pudding and strawberries, just leave about 1/2 inch (1cm) space from the edge.
2. Pudding: The pudding is meant to add some vanilla taste and some moisture to the strawberry tart. I prefer cook and serve pudding because it is less liquid, but you can certainly exchange it for some Jell-O pudding that is prepared without cooking or even pre-packaged pudding from the refrigerator section. It might taste a little different, though.
3. Another suggestion is to add some (50 ml) eggnog to the pudding mix to give it some interesting twist.
4. To make your own glaze use the following recipe:
1 tablespoon potato starch
2 tablespoons sugar
250 ml water, fruit juice or water mixed with some fruit syrup
Mix 1 tablespoon potato starch with 2 tablespoons sugar and a few tablespoons water until no clumps remain and sugar is dissolved. Boil remaining water or juice. While stirring slowly add starch mixture. Let boil for another 1/2 minute while stirring. Immediately pour glaze over tart. Let cool until glaze is solidified.
The glaze becomes clear when potato starch is used, with corn starch the glaze isn't clear. Using fruit juice, the syrup canned or jarred fruits are stored, or water with a little syrup (e.g. Grenadine, strawberry or raspberry) will add some color and taste to the glaze.

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